SABCO glass balustrade – Passerelle des Arts – LUXEMBOURG

Park Drai Eechelen, Clausen Luxembourg

Passerelle du Mudam

Installation of a new footbridge linking Avenue John F. Kennedy and Parc des Trois Glands. It is pedestrian and cycle-friendly and crosses the Trois Glands forest. The structure was designed to increase visibility and visitor numbers.

Length of structure: 87 m
Width variable between 3 and 3.5 m
Maximum span: 28 m
3 Piles with variable height between 4m and 12m
Maximum height: approx. 12 m
Caisson height variable between 60 and 90 cm

SADEV’s role :
The special feature of this project is that it requires several specific rails: curved and unbent.
The footbridge is curved, so our profiles have to adapt to this curve in order to follow the movement all along the track.
2 types of profile were used:
– 7011 for lateral configuration.
– 7010 for floor-mounted configuration.

General contractorFonds d’Urbanisation et d’Aménagement du Plateau de Kirchberg
ArchitectMarc Mimram Architecture Ingénierie
Sadev CustomerViry SAS
Year of realisation2023




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