Solar Shading System – La Croix Valmer – France

Solar Shading System – La Croix Valmer – France

Brise Soleil / La Croix Valmer
On Boulevard Saint Raphaël, the Super U supermarket in La Croix Valmer has taken advantage of the renovation of its facade to install a glass facade.
LABASTERE opted for one of the fixed external sunbreakers to enhance the transparency and size of the shop and its associated infrastructure.

SADEV’s motivation :
SADEV supplied 68 sets of products, including R1003 seismic spherical bearings for 15.15.15 glazing, S3000 2-leg brackets and specific adjustment brackets.
An additional calculation note was produced for validation purposes.


Solar Shading System – Les Jardins du Lou – Lyon

Solar Shading System – Les Jardins du Lou – Lyon

Les Jardins du Lou / Lyon Gerland 7ème
On Avenue Tony Garnier, opposite to the Matmut Gerland stadium, an area of around 2 hectares has become houses to « Les Jardins du Lou ».
28 000 m² of office space in 6 buildings (R+2 to R+4) and a 340 spaces underground parking (+250 bicycle parking spaces).
Designed with 2 entrances, the parking will be used on match night.

SADEV’s motivation :
SADEV provided 8750 swivel fittings R1006 seismic for the construction of horizontal glass sunshades under technical approval. There was an additional calculation note prepared for validation purposes.


Facade sunshades – BIO FRAIS – Epagny

Facade sunshades – BIO FRAIS – Epagny

The Savoie brand BioFrais has opened a 1500m² store in the Grand Epagny commercial area. The building will host a restaurant and a fitness center. The store opened its doors in March 2020.

SADEV’s role:
SADEV provided fastening components for the construction of horizontal glass sunshades under technical approval. There was an additional calculation note prepared for validation purposes, along with on-site installation assistance for our client. The total area covered is 240m². In detail, this includes:

  • Glass slats measuring 1800mm x 400mm fixed at 4 points
  • 600 two-branch glass spider of type S3101 Evo
  • 1,200 seismic rotules in R1006 configuration.
Glass sunbreaker on facade – IMREDD – France

Glass sunbreaker on facade – IMREDD – France

A high energy performance building

In order to make the building more transparent and open, the “Atelier Barani” opted for a system of fixed external sunbreakers made of opalescent glass.

These glass slats are distributed vertically and horizontally, according to the different exposures of the building’s façades. This principle guarantees the transparency of the facades.

The depths of the opalescent glass sunscreens have been dimensioned, per façade, according to the path of the sun, in order to prevent the sun’s rays from penetrating in summer and to diffuse the luminosity inside the spaces.

The role of SADEV

SADEV’s teams worked from the prescription to the delivery of the glass slat holding system, validated by obtaining an ATEX by COVERIS. Some of these sunshades can reach a depth of over 1.4 metres.

Facade sunshade – Shipping Center “3 Fontaines”

Facade sunshade – Shipping Center “3 Fontaines”

The historic shopping center of northwestern Paris

It is located on the outskirts of Paris, in Cergy-Pontoise, it is also one of the oldest shopping centers in France, built-in 1972.

A complete restructuring and extension project was initiated by the Hammerson Group, the current owner, to completely revise the shopping center which had aged and no longer met the expectations of the clientele, both in terms of atmosphere and offer. It was originally built in 1972.

This redesign project has taken place over several years and in several phases.
_Completion of interior renovation: September 2016
_Start of extension works: April 2018
_Opening of the new gallery and car park 2: 2021

Its new identity has been redesigned around the three elements of water, nature and light. The renovation of the shopping center provides a brighter and more welcoming environment for both customers and retailers.


We carried out discussions, proposals for solutions and optimization of the system with the TERREL design office to find the most suitable solution for maintaining the dichroic glass vertical sunshades.
The chosen solution is a standard SADEV vertical sunshade product.
This product allows large glass dimensions to be maintained, and also allows rapid installation on site, with complete pre-assembly in the factory (fixing system + glass) and direct assembly on site.
More than 1,700 glass slats up to 2.8 m long are held in place by our sunshade product.




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